Restoration FAQ



What is the role of my insurance adjuster?


Your insurance adjuster represents your insurance company and is intimate with the coverage provided by your individual insurance policy. Your adjuster shares our goal to restore your home to its pre-loss condition as quickly and as smoothly as possible. We meet with you and your insurance adjuster to ensure that our estimate covers all items affected by your loss and maintain open lines of communication with them throughout the construction process.


    What if my insurance company already called in a company for mitigation or board up services?


    It is your right to choose whoever you want to do repairs at your home even if your insurance company has called in a company for mitigation or board up services.  Garman's area of expertise is to rebuild your home after your home has been boarded up to prevent further damage.


      What can I do to ensure that my job is completed as soon as possible?


      Garman Builders Restoration process is a proven one.  We handle all the details, we just need you to be ready to make decisions when it is time.  This will ensure the project stays moving!


        What if I want to make custom changes or don't want to go back to exactly what I had before?


        Garman Builders area of expertise is in our design-build services that will allow you to make the changes you want.  With a full in-house architectural design team, interior designers, and state-of-the-art Design Studio, Garman can build the space of your dreams.

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